General Information

The Malta Business Registry (MBR) and the Insolvency and Receivership Service (IRS) have made every effort to ensure that information on this site is reliable and accurate at the time of publishing. The self-assessment tool provided on this portal is intended for general guidance and information purposes only. The accuracy of the results generated by the tool depends on the accuracy and completeness of the data provided by the user. Therefore, the MBR and the IRS, and the employees thereof, shall not be held liable for any results and/or information obtained or generated or deduced through the use of this tool. Neither the MBR nor the IRS or any of their employees make any express or implied representations or warranties regarding the material and facilities contained or referred to in this site or the self-assessment tool contained therein, nor do we accept any liability for any loss or damage whatsoever which may arise in any way out of the use of any of the material or facilities, including the self-assessment tool, for any errors or omissions resulting or implied, or for any accuracy matters obtained from information through the use of the self-assessment tool and/or the site in general. The MBR and the IRS shall have no liability for any loss or damage arising out of negligence or otherwise howsoever as a result of use of or reliance on the information on this site. Users are advised to seek professional advice to interpret the results of the self-assessment tool accurately and to make informed decisions based on their individual circumstances.

Continuity of Service

The Malta Business Registry and the Insolvency and Receivership Service make no warranty or representation, express or implied, as to continuity of service and reserves the right to suspend, terminate or otherwise alter access to some or all of the site’s services at any time and without notice.


Hotlinking or linking directly to our content and/or images is unacceptable but you are welcome to create a hyperlink to this site from another website. However, this link must not be presented on your site in any context that implies that this website has an association with your site, or endorses your site or product. The MBR and the IRS logos may not be used on your site without the permission of the MBR and the IRS respectively.